If someone enter an hotmail email to be on the Mailing List, there is a message saying hotmail is not accepted. THen the person can’t enter a gmail address… He has to leave the page and come back… Not a big thing but if it can be fix
I would not say Microsoft does not accept email from linux site/community…Wrong… Linux community that setup their stuff properly Microsoft will accept… I don’t find that serious to write that
add https://etcher.io as a burning tool ! So simple and work well for non technical people
What about adding suggested requirements?
usually minimum requiremtns are the really bare minimum to get it running… For example elive in my pc need 192mb in idle, getting lower than that would mean almost turning off any feauture and morever without graphics accelleration with a p4 531 even the application bar animation stutters occasionally (and with occasionally i mean any time the os is not idling).
So i think suggested requirements would be a better and more honest indication! (something like P4 + PCI-E graphics card? And i say PCI-e because for some reason i’ve been unable to turn on graphics acceleration on any agp graphics i tried , even if it was graphics acceleration capable… even the geforce 2 had graphics aceleration running in windows xp!).
The os runs smotthly and perfectly with Athlon 64 x2 2.2GHz, 1 Gb ram, radeon hd2400 128mb and ata100 hdd. I didn’t see any better performance (except for surfing the net, but that’s not an os related issue obviously) in any better system
"Suggested" could be nice but is a very relative information, for example:
I would say 512 MB is minimum to work nicely, but bloated-browsers (so needed) requires like 1 GB, i should say then 1 GB ?
Speed is very relative, you can say that Elive works amazingly good in a 256 MB machine while others can say is too slow to work (even if is an OS that makes it run nicely)
Maybe is best to let users simply try them to see if it satisfy their needs, that info is enough to say "it can work in that computer", there's also a link to older versions in case they have a very-very old machine that requires it even lighter
As a final note, there's some reviews / articles / websites that talks about Elive releases / versions, on which they references the "it can run in...", having that information said twice can make it confusing too, "they should say suggested or minimum?"
Graphic card acceleration is not needed at all for Elive (not even for transparencies and composite effects), your AGP would be probably not supported anymore, for example you have drivers for nvidia but even the oldest ones can be pretty new drivers... have you tried to use the "old kernel" boot option to see if that AGP card works?
Mmh, maybe, by other side "recording" references generically to something like "what to do with the downloaded file" (i have see many times non-experienced users that don't know what to do with the file that they have downloaded), sentence needs to be short too (visual scanning to know what instruction the user may need)
Maybe something like this? "Recording Elive to an USB"
When the counter finishes yes, I will fix the menus, that stable page is "hidden" (even if already reached like 100 downloads lol)
The agp does work and the drivers are installed and running using free ones (nvidia drivers, te 96 required, do not let the gui display properly, while ati drivers..... wel you know it! The property ones always suck unluckily). In fact i can run gmaes properly. Unlukily for some reason it displays an error like (i don't remember the exact words) opengl engine not found. And yes, i used the old kernel.
For the no need of accelerated grpahics: That's true, but unluckily on older computers (i'm tinking about the pentium 4 531 that's lying on my desk, which has HT and 64 bit istruction set, so it's not that bad... yeah it sucks still but not that much!) often times just having a browser open means that the application bar will stutter And so i think that accelerated graphics on older computers is a must to live the best experience!
maybe Burn Elive to an USB
recording sounds more like "recording an audio" so saving something from an input, rather than writing something to an output
yeah, it just needs to be simple and indicative for the not-experienced ones. Ideal will be people without any experience CAN go from download to install entirely by its own
updated name
Well, make sure that the drivers install correctly and check by yourself if GL is working or not (that message maybe is due to a wrong autodetection), check the xorg logs too like: grep EE /varg/log/Xorg.0.log
If you are unable to make it working, you have two options:
enjoy all the ton of Elive 3.0 features
downgrade to Elive 2.0 if the drivers works, the system may be a bit lighter / faster too for old computers, but you will lack 8 years of features / customizations / fine-tunes
In any case can be worth to try it, the system is a bit different too
Yeah but stills featuring composite and transparencies (rendering in software mode) , something impossible to do in the past
Just for your own tests and beautiful experience with a different desktop (resources usage) in old computers, try this:
boot in the live mode
run the command "apui e16-theme-darkone pulseaudio"
run "startx /usr/bin/e16 -- :1 -dpi 96" (will start a new e16 graphical system)
middle click to select darkone in the themes, right click for go the config and enable sounds
I have in mind to build a very special and geeky version of Elive featuring e16 with these customizations, could be a nice experience and good option for old computers
Will be happy to see feedbacks of that
Oops sorry, im starting to off-topic this thread
Testimonials are always welcome to make it easy you can write them in the forum (there's a section for them)
Mmmh... Burn can sounds very strange to non-english speakers that comes to the website, even if is a known word for that... but historically I assume that is referenced to the action where the laser really-burns the disk when recording an ISO (something that doesn't happens for the USB's), maybe write can be a better replacement for recording?
In the other comments by @jfbourdeau I see the word "bootable usb", that's a good point, also create / make, so...
Write Elive into an USB ?
Write your bootable USB with Elive ?
Create a bootable USB with Elive ?
Write a bootable USB with Elive ?
I personally preffer "write" than "create" because sounds more like a needed step than an optional one
I rather prefer stuttering than losing nice features eheheh i'm already used to game at 20 fps
I happily noticed it. Transparency out of the box in particular. I remember having to tweak some stuff back when i tried to get trasparency using i3wm on my old thinkcentre (a real, IBM, thinkcentre )
Thank you. I will immediately check it out!
sounds good
i honestly think that somebody who wants to install linux in primis, moreover someone who wants to install a linux distro which is not ubuntu (most of people's knowledge about linux ends there lol) knows what's the meaning of burning eheh
I'm italian, even if it's really really really a weird verb to burn in such a context it's still used in any burning program! For example when i was a child my father used "nero burning rom" so i knew the meaning since then!
But well i get your point, and probably you're right create would be probably the best possibility in my opinion...
Does eltrans have some function to translate the website too? (i haven't been able to work with it lately due to university's exams :/, but i will be bac and finish the italian translation soon!)
Not totally convinced with that sentence, for a novice user it sounds like a "extra & optional tip", but to write Elive in the usb (or dvd) is absolutely the first and essential step, i think that the sentence should focus on this need
What about this? "Write Elive in your USB stick" (this sentence cannot be formulated with the Create word)
Or maybe with the needed word? "Create a bootable USB stick with Elive - (needed)"
Hum... first one sounds simpler to read too
I think that my mom uses the "record" word (grabar in spanish) more than "burn" (this translation in spanish is poorly used)
Yeah I remember that too, but it was of course the name in english, if im correct when these burning tools are translated to spanish was something like "grabador de cd's"
Unfortunately not, and the website is a very painful thing, wordpress is not easy to manage without problems, we should just edit the pages directly from the web, I could create some accounts but as I said, the template has some bugs that breaks the pages when editing (some things are needed to know when doing it) - i dont have a better idea of how we can make the website editable than just editing the pages from its wordpress