The year was finishing and my wrongly regulated situation in Colombia continued since more than 3 years, so I released 3.8.46 with a new E start and decided to go to the border with Venezuela in order to try solving my visa situation.
After a few difficulties everything went good and now I'm regulated again, so I can come back in any moment to Colombia and take a flight to europe without issues.
The thing is that I'm at the moment in Venezuela, and here the things are... well, a bit random, I'm actually waiting to see if the streets calms down in order to continue moving.
With this I want to state that I'm not very able to work here, dev, debug, coding etc... requires to invest a lot of time and concentration, which I don't have at the moment, and I'm also traveling with my laptop only.
If you want to be updated you can check some of my (not very used) Instagram or even better, my Polarsteps on which I try to update from time to time with photos and stories.