is there an explanation for this behaviour? You can always create a starter in the dock, of course. Unfortunately i do not know anything about the inner workings, i.e. the mechanism which puts a new application into the menu.
That is the probably related to your flatpak question.
If an application doesn't use a generic manner of adding a menu entry but i.e something very specific for a targeted distro (like Ubuntu), then it wont show up in the Elive menu.
If you've got cairo-dock running then that'll have a menu that can differ from the left-click menu on your desktop.
Of course you can always try a search with for your application.
Considering your configuration issues, I also would recommend going through this post:
On E16:
- Right click on your desktop
- Go to Maintenance
- Click Regenerate Menus
Open the menu now; when it closes, they have been regenerated.
That usually works for me.
If it's the flatpaks that don't work: That's the XDG_DATA_DIR
warning you see.
No, it is a general question. I am just using the desktop which came with the installation without changing anything there.
Thanks for the tutorial, but what is shown there is not actually what I am after, although really impressive.
The reason for my question were two programs installed with 'dkpg -i', so just *.deb packages which did not leave an entry in the menu (jFritz and Thorium Reader, if you are interested).
That did the trick! I'll keep it in mind in such situations - Everything is in the menu now, although in Thorium Reader's case without icon, but that is less important...
That could be the Thorium Reader's fault. I don't have it, but can you find the .desktop file? It should be under /usr/share/applications
When you do, could you put the contents here?
Where the tutorial also has a section (about 'rofi') on how to roll your own .desktop file if an application doesn't come with it's own.
That's a reasonable way to install a .deb package from elsewhere but in general it's actually better to either dubble-click on a .deb package in the file manager, which will open 'gdebi' and show what dependencies are needed (if at all) or why it would break stuff or .... refuse to install.
Here are the contents of the.desktop file:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/opt/Thorium/thorium %U
Comment=Desktop application to read ebooks
Please note that I already have replaced the original "thorium" entry
after "icon" with the actual path, and now there is the icon in the
menu, too. Thanks for the valuable hint. It will help me in the future
to solve similar issues.
Yeah, if it was missing or wrong before, that's the problem.
I wonder why it was wrong here.