Just wondering if Elive will have the 5.8 kernel one day?
I ask because it has been reported that some distros will upgrade to Linux kernel 5.8
According to this post:- Linux Kernel 5.8 is Here. This is What's New - debugpoint.com
Just wondering if Elive will have the 5.8 kernel one day?
I ask because it has been reported that some distros will upgrade to Linux kernel 5.8
According to this post:- Linux Kernel 5.8 is Here. This is What's New - debugpoint.com
There is already a article bench marking the kernel.
5.8.1 released
The developer version of linuxfromscratch.org has the 5.8.1 kernel for their operating system.
It depends if it's stable.
Seeing as most of the features/fixes in 5.8 are just flying over my head...I really shouldn't have any say in this.
here's another article, if you're interested
A lot of work done for AMD processors and Radeon.
Kernel 5.8.1 is stable and I will soon have a new computer that will benefit from it.
5.8.2 fixes some minor errors or so.
5.9.11 has a lot of NVMe fixes
Eventually, Elive will run that kernel or even higher, just a matter of time.
For now being Buster based it depends on when the kernels get added to the repository.
As of today 5.7 is the highest version on offer. To have/use newer kernel versions faster one would have to acquire them from the Bullseye/Sid repos. Mixing repos from different releases is never a good idea so it would be better to just download the 2 packages you want.
You'll need the "linux-image" package as well as the corresponding "linux-headers" --- but I suggest you give this a try in a virtual machine first.
kernel 5.8.12 apears to have networking fixes updates
Yes Elive always update the kernels and drivers when its available, the actual version 3.8.17 has 5.7 kernel, but in any case Elive always used newer drivers / kernels alternatives from backports, so this means: there's a stable kernel from the stable-debian branch (buster on this case) and also a newer one from the stable-backports branch
BTW im just seeing that 5.8 is being added (not yet fully) on the backports branch, this means that we would have probably it for the next build (that depends also on the compatibility with the nvidia and other drivers)
I've just tried the unsigned 5.8.13 kernel. It is fast on boot up. very fast.
And now on the 1st of November 2020, the 5.8 kernel is EOL already.
So bye bye to that kernel.
There is so many long term support kernels out there on kernel.org. Perhaps it is better to use 4.X or 5.4.X, as some of those kernels have a EOL like around 2024 to 2025
I have also noticed that they back port the features and fixes from the latest kernel development, but I'm not sure if it is all the fixes.