Youtube review by TICK

I really loved this review :slight_smile: Thanks TICK!

I even retweeted it and added to Linked and facepoop :happy: :happybounce:


I found this one through mastodon (fosstodon actually). It's quite nice and almost a perfect "Howto run and install Elive" video :smiley14: .
The only thing Gosh-Its-Arch missed (and it's missed by many more) is the single-click anywhere on the desktop to get the applications-menu . :innocent:

Also very happy that the reviewer noted that not everything on Retrowave should be taken too seriously. After all it's also about simply having a good time.

Thank You Gosh-Its-Arch. :w00t:

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I just find this review about Elive, in french, 3 years old:


Looks to be machine translated from somewhere but can't find any source mention.
Why else would they translate 'enlightenment' to "Ă©claircisement" :madness:

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