3.7.1 betatesting experiences

I have all permission on the .e16 folder
But if you are right, I suppose it's permission on another config folder I need to change or there is a BUG in E-x desktops

I think I had that too on the older ELive...

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this is a bug and needs to be reported :sweat:

and here, there is also a lot of good stuff a lot of us do not read LOL

it's may be a MultiScreen bug... Will test later

When do you expect to make 3.7.2 available ? next week or may be for the week end ?

I have edited the bindings.cfg file by making it much more readable and including a howto guide for editing / hack it

apug and "elive-skel upgrade .e16" (or just read the updated file from /etc/skel/.e16/bindings.cfg),

and then be Enlightened with the power of eesh :slight_smile:

here's a preview:

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basically to feature the updates of the installer, the elive iso needs to boot on uefi mode, but it cannot on the versions below 3.7.2 :slight_smile: , so its needed to wait for 3.7.2 released to "alpha test it" :smile:

can you make a list of the exact steps needed to reproduce the issue? (please try it without multiscreens setup, i think that is related to changing / assigning a different resolution), with a "steps lists" that can be reproduced in other computers i can send the bug report to the dev

I LOVE IT !!!! :happybounce:
IN exchange for your work :
I just did some test and with one screen the e16 experience is a lot smoother.

All my applets keep the emplacement, Virtual Desktop pager too and if I reboot, things are where they are supposed to be

I am considering working with my 32" monitor only and no left screen

don't worry, all is imlpemented for the new build :slight_smile: but i need to finish betatestings / fixings locally before to upload a new build

probably 2 days, if all the tests / fixes went fine here :slight_smile:

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hum interesting :thinking: I created a specific task / list to report in a future to the dev:

I am playing with the config file.
What is the easy way to reload e16 config file after I modified the file ?
I played with some key plus END and it recreated my desktop ( or reloaded it, not sure ) and now Conky is back LOL I am happy i Liked it... May be the one screen config helped..

hopefully if it doesn't re-write it on desktop reload, you should simply:

  • save the file
  • reload Enlightenment (ctrl + alt + End)

:thinking: that sounds like when reloading the desktop, it re-created the configurations (more exactly, detected as a "new environment")

This is what I did... Anyway now it's clean, I have my COnky and my settings are saved !
Will go back to 2 screen if forced to... But I like this new stable environnement with one screen LOL

I had some custom shortcut, they all dissapeared
Is it possible CLTR + ALT + END this that ?
Not the end of the world but trying to understand why they are gone

Just created a custom shortcut and did the CTRL ALT END and this time the shortcut is still there...
Something else must have happened

well, conky only launchers on the "first desktop creation" :slight_smile: , you need a way to always launch it at desktop start. I assume is not a good idea to always include it by default (only first desktop is good for "demo"), if the user dont' want it, would be more difficult to remove it :thinking:

its possible that reloading the desktop, your configs are re-written (thats what happens in e17, you cannot modify the configs while it is running or it will be overwritten), the best is to do it out of e16 (or edit it outside as a backup and copy it when you have it ready)

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Conky went away afer another reboot
Some of my Desktop config too.
GOing back to 2 screen as 1 screen is not that mucher better LOL

Made some more test with my e16 / small HP laptop

Everything is consistent
I move thing on the desktop
at reboot they are ok
CTRL + ALT +END do not make me loose anything

Tough to understand but elive / e16 on my laptop is pretty stable.

Will try to mess up up my latop but for now its's difficult LOL

Elive e16 / reiser4 1 ------------- Yoda 0

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/me talking to myself
My slow HP latop is running so well with Elive 3.7.1 reiser4 !!!
2nd life for that PC LOL

Yea Yea the wine is good... who said yoda was perfect