You would uninstall a lot of other stuff that depends on it of which cairo-dock is the most prominent on Elive.
In that sense, it might be an idea to look for another dock to have available for E16.
"nmtui" is just a terminal ncurses interface to NM as the name shows, so: No nmtui will not be usable as that will be removed too.
Since "network-manager" is a daemon .... you could see if stopping/de-activating network-manager makes any difference in your case. On my machine it only seems to work if network-manager hasn't already kicked in somewhere.
You can do that with: "sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager stop"
or: "sudo service network-manager stop"
Obviously you can start or see the status of the service in a similar fashion
On my system too terminal indicates that networkmanager has been stopped but i still have internet access and the network manager icon in the shelf persists working.
That's strange I don't have that ... but then I boot straight into E23 on mine.
All in all, connman runs exceptionally well now that network-manager.service is disabled.
AFAIK systemd-networkd.service is the one that raises the network interfaces, although network-manager obviously will not run if it's service is disabled.
So if you're dependant on i.e cairo-dock icons/extensions or nmtui to connect you would need network-manager.service.
The system itself should connect using connman AFAIK.
My problem may be that i have not updated since 3.8.1 , Hate losing my settings and starting afresh from with the factory settings . I guess i just have to byte the bullet sometime
If you have run "apug" as well as enabling "elive-upgrader" (see the info on the "E23 - please expand" post) often, your system will be up to date except (maybe) the kernel which you can upgrade yourself.
On a side note .... Today's upgrade message:
I wouldn't call that a "small" issue, it's been bugging me for ages.
How do i do that and set connman and conman-gtk to default? Looks like in my case they look for networkmanager and when they dont find it , they throw a hissyfit
Nope, no need to set connman to default .... if network-manager doesn't come up then connman keeps on running.
Connman is the one that always runs and gets taken over by network-manager. You can check on your system if it's running with: ~ ❯❯❯ sudo service --status-all |grep connman
resulting in:
[ + ] connman
Where you should see a + sign if it's loaded
If it isn't running (for some strange reason) you can enable it (permanently) with "sudo systemctl enable connman.service"
To see what it's up to, use: "systemctl status connman.service"
To check wether network-manager is indeed turned off: ~ ❯❯❯ sudo service --status-all |grep network
Resulting in:
[ - ] network-manager [ + ] networking ~ ❯❯❯
And of course, have "connman-gtk" installed for a GUI.
Succeeded but still having finicky wifi performance on this particular laptop, while other devices are perfectly okay. Network manager is gone. Is it possible to configure WICD? I have it on the laptop but it doesnot see the wireless card, probably the Chalk it down to probably a hardware problem.
Very probably.
What you can try is to install the latest available kernel and see if that helps.
Small HowTo:
Determine the kernel version you are running with "uname -r"
Find out what kernels are available: :apt-cache search kernel-image" and determine which one you want/need. Stick to the same type of kernel, only bump up the release number ... current is 5.5.0-0.bpo.2
BTW for everyone following this thread, there's a new thread talking about the features that adds actually using network-manager: Why we use Network-manager