Dear all, I just tried Elive on my HP Spectre 360 13inch. It cannot see the wireless adapter nor the sound card. Fedora workstation as well as CentOS install just fine.
I guess this is due to the fact that the kernel is very old. Any plans for supporting some more recent kernels?
Best regards,
I was lucky, Elive worked well on 4 computer i have at home, 3 of them are recent. ( HP stream laptop, HP i7 Desktop, and IBM Workstation). Sound was ok everywhere… Only problem I had was with touchpad on the HP laptop.
And it’s " so fast !!! "
It’s sure that a more recent kernel would help.
I also compared Elive and Ubuntu use of CPU and memory and there was a huge difference ( Elive taking less CPU / memory)
With respect to cpu and memory this is great news, but with respect to Hardware support this is too bad. I understand that Elive is intended towards older Hardware, but Lubuntu is also for older hardware. It never hearts providing a few more recent kernels. Particularly important is the old glibc version. That is good news.
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@Panayiotis_Archondis: The reason of why Elive uses so old software/drivers has no relation with supporting old hardware, you can see more details of why the packages are so old here: Why Elive 3.0 has old software & drivers
About including new drivers & software, yes that is planned for the next development after to release 3.0, which the release is going to happen in the next days
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He just said it / Wrote it ! " 3.0 in just a few days" Lol Lol
I just felt obliged to report back. Looking forward for the next 64bit version.
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Now we are going to see a nightmare in the website of elive... no time to look / care about the SEO things so the pages will switch from working / not-working with different contents 
Time to say good bye to the old website 
I think that day 10 of September could be a good release date (people coming back from holidays, etc)
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I was joking... Do it when you feel ready to do it... Any date is a good date LOL. Once the 3.0 website and OS are " live ", I will create a french review video and share it on LinkedIn.
Good luck Thanatermesis. You are doing a great job. I would definitely like to switch to Elive, if it was 64bit. The reason is computational libraries which are 64 bit and other programs released only for 64 bit.
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If you have a powerfull PC, may be you could consider installing a 64 bits OS within a VM on Elive… if you only need 64 bits apps from time to time…
This is what I did… Ubuntu 64 bits within a VM on my 2nd screen
I have used Version 5.1.38 r122592 (Qt5.6.1) of VirtualBox as it was working better for me than the version included in Elive.