I have updated the ISO build on bullseye which includes many fixes & improvements found these days, also has the hard work on english corrections (and their equivalent translations to all other languages) made by @triantares & @TheTechRobo , the Nvidia issue found by @PrinceAMD so now nvidia should install a bigger amount of cases, and many other small fixups that i don't remember now
I have also updated the iso especially for @arcnations which needed it to make a youtube review
New (temporal) direct link: https://www.elivecd.org/elive_3.8.27++_beta_hybrid_amd64.iso
Update: nvidia still not working, @PrinceAMD betatested it, seems like our own /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ created file is not compatible on bullseye, a solution is to install 'nvidia-xconfig' and run that command... so bad I don't have a nvidia card to betatest this more fast in order to solve it