Enlightenment (E24) installation / Testing

SOOO i installed e23 on my fresh elive system on my new old extensa 5235. It happens than, when logging in e23 session, the screen turns off. I mean, it literally turns off. Even trying to open a second tty, nothing happens. It's just turned off completely (not just black or blank). Did it happen to anybody else? This laptop runs on a pentium t4400 and uses intel's 4th generation mobile graphics with the xorg-instel drivers.

Something similar did happen on my current laptop with a fresh 3.8.11 install.
I'm not 100% sure but had the idea that lightdm was to blame (for some other stuff too) so I installed "entrance" (again) and that works.

Don't forget to set stuff mentioned in the wiki here:Enlightenment (E24) Tips .... Please expand

Especially the compositor setting.

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UPDATE: since now, the EFL and Enlightenment (E24 or newer) will be much more inmediately up-to-date :happy_dance: :happy: :applause: :happybounce:

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Just a note: we are debating in other threads about the next development including E24 & bullseye, which other tasks are needed before to start it, but in any of the cases the best that we can do to accelerate this process is to make E24 more stable & ready, this means, continue betatesting all the options and features and report everything that needs to be fixed

⚓ Query: Advanced Search this is our actual list of reports made by @triantares and @Thanatermesis

you all are welcome to betatest if some old ones still happens, like the bug in terminology switching themes one

Important: https://forum.elivelinux.org/t/e25-bullseye-betatesting-for-bug-reporting-to-e/3075/20?u=thanatermesis