Lock screen on e16

mmh, that's a different thing

if e16 can "catch" the close-lid event, could run a script then to "lock + suspend" (but again, in general terms it is up to the user to not show visual things on desktop that -could- be readable even in blur, but that's also related to "who is going to have access to that computer" too)

these things are more easy in e17+ too, since the lock is own integrted, includes acpi calls like Lid, and it doesn't shows any visual things... here our possibilities are limited, showing an ugly bg or a nice looking desktop locked

but in any case i dont think the next stable should provide e16 as desktop :thinking: or it should? sounds like a backwards step... not because is not good but because there's missing good features that elive had previously

for now i just added that command itself to the hotkey bindings (just i3lock-fancy)