Suggested improvements for a system with only E16

Just to be sure you saw it, the one on Cairo Dock is really cool
But for people not using Cairo Dock, yea, conky simple weather info would be cool

can you configure it to use a different command ?

the hotkeys pdf is meant to be read, but in the real world, only a 1% of people reads it :thinking:
-problem- :confused:

see the images of conky in Customizations in steroids

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Thanks Yoda. I configured it and is working. I guess I was not able to configure it before but now I am able to do so.

I tried but no, I can't (yet) but if you think it's worthwile I can try and contact the maker. :innocent:

Maybe a zenity pop-up asking what particular action someone needs?
One that then does a search in the PDF.
Like falling overboard on a river: Don't fight the current but go with the flow and reach the shore. :smiley14:

this will end in the same but requires even more interaction (will make the user to want to close it even more)

what about opening the pdf without borders (the user will be unable to close it unless reads the pdf to know the key to close or minimize it) :rofl2:

:flushed: omg i think that its an amazing idea :runningfast:

You are becoming a very, very bad man. :rofl2:

Omfg, I'm beginning to like the idea too ..... it's contageous! :runaway:

Who wants to read about hotkeys when you expect it to be your unalienable right to click through everything? :eyepopping:
GUI designers cater for stupidity and thus create their own users! :sniff:

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:runningfast: :runningfast: :runningfast: :runningfast: :runningfast:
done for next build
:runningfast: :runningfast: :runningfast: :runningfast: :runningfast:

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exactly, that's why "unix design" is (and stills) so good

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..... ..... ..... really ...



"Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix. I don’t think that is a coincidence.”

From 'The Unix-Hater's Handbook':


thx .... .... .... downloaded :heart_eyes:

E16 updates:

  • no more "audio file missing" error / warnings when changing theme
  • now all the applications will always show window borders by default (even gtk3 ones) :+1:

Anybody was able to test the nvidia 390 drivers to see if works from the last iso? (machines like @Rebel450)


I cannot test more than this step because i have no nvidia card, but it proofs that it loads correctly the compiled module, so it is meant to work from a machine with nvidia


@Thanatermesis means:
Intel (or also other) chipset with additional Nvidia GeForce 610m; Optimus - or similar,
mainly to find on NoteBooks....

optimus is a more delicated driver, better to know -first- if nvidia just works at itself (390 for example), then, after to confirm that it works, to see if optimus works or not, or how to make it working

optimus is more tricky to configure, but -maybe- it should just work by default with the same nvidia installer

But how to get it -


api e16


install fresh


for the first:


for the second:

restart desktop configurations (from menus)

or: just use a next build

in the moment not possible:

ok, try to just reboot the machine, i included an automated fix related to the debian stable buster rleease

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if you mean apug not working, because of Buster now stable, I did rebooted and it doesn't change anything
Still apug errir

But I must have misunderstood 2 discussions

ok again the same problem: apt is broken and so you cannot use elive-upgrader lol, i should improve the tool to not depend of apt...

then just do:

~ ❯❯❯ sudo apt-get --allow-releaseinfo-change update

and you are done :slight_smile:

@mentions: @Rebel450 @Terry_Rosinski