Website redesign ideas

A friend just did a small sketch of an improved concept for the website (design / UX improvement), the result is really kewl :eyepopping: simple and clean, direct for what is meant to be...

The computer looks very retro which im not sure if is the optimal for the normal Elive version, but for sure looks cool for the E16 version (also the screen uses the E16 version on it) :applause: :happy:


that's epic. would also be a good starting point for a less confusing menu system

yeah, but since so many changes requires to be made in the menu (I want to add a Features big sub-menu too), it will be re-brainstormed what things to include

Which would be very nice combined with a Retro-snapshot available.
It's so retro nobody (in their right mind) would think this is a serious target machine. I like it. :mwahaha:

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BTW, what happened to the

thingy? It would allow us to fix wording/spelling/grammar much easier. :slight_smile:

Hum ..... just a hint:

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been there, suggested that


yup, this is planned for the new (next) pages :slight_smile: of course is useless to fix the ones that are going to be deleted :happy: , it was always difficult to make this work since wordpress is so buggy and error prone, where if you don't know all the details, you end having lots of unexpected things and elements broken in the site, but i think I found a good solution for the wording help :wink: just wait for the new pages will start to be created (fixing emails first important task)

plausible? didn't hear about that... actually Elive site uses google analytics AND piwik (matomo), i had both because i -still- not very good on SEO and I dont know which one is better (seems like the second is enough good for all the needs! more friendly in any case), the problem is that if i disable one of them, the statistics will be stop to be collected (and then, they cannot be compared with older ones like for example, when you change the contents of a page to see if is more intuitive, etc...)

but for the future website changes yeah, it should be picked one of the two and not both (it decreases speed performance), and probably the second (which has been already used for years) could be hte option

back to the topic and...

UPDATES in design:

More design ideas by Armel :slight_smile:

They should join the forum. Im sure they'd bring a lot of goo dideas to the table. :smiley:

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: The paradoxical unknown future of Elive

Well as a tip:

Purple looks good on white, but once I scroll down so the menu bar is enclosed in grey it starts looking horrible.

In this case im hovered over the about section thingy and its really difficult to see the text.

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You should really see if Plausible would be good. It's a very small script (so very fast) and it's apparently very simple to use.

I just checked it, it looks really cool, except that the demo statistics looks very basic (not sure if enough), by other side it requires docker to be installed, which is not possible in the free plan hosting of elive (there's hte elivecd hosting, the forum one, and the one used generically for other things which is dreamhost in usa), so it will be installed in the generic one but doesn't allows to use docker unless you buy the dedicated server option

I suggest moving the FAQs from the website to the forum. Most of them are already there, but it's too confusing having both the FAQ section and the "Q&A" section (in the menu bar). IMO if we decide between the main site and the forum, the forum would be best

Actually the FAQs are a very nice way to split a large topic into small easy to to read /digest pieces.
They're very important IMO.

Yeah exactly, there's a few important factors on this:

  • a list of "most important faqs" on the website like "how to boot my computer with elive" from the website a list of Q&A from the forum for deeper / more questions
  • I know that sounds a bit confusing, that's why the different name FAQ's vs Q&A
  • having all in one is not a bad idea but the main reason of the FAQ's on the website, si because of SEO, in fact there's 2 FAQ pages in which attracts a lot of people that is not related to elive (and we want that, because it means new possible users), see for example:


not a big percent but the "how to disable uefi" page shows in results to users that are not searching for elive, which is a good thing

in fact, one of the plans is to write a few articles / howtos that is not strictly elive related (which means something like "best vim tips", showing at the same time the good setup that Elive has, and atracting new people to discover elive

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That's a fantastic result! A clean, simple, and direct design can ramp up user satisfaction enormously. The retro-styled computer brings in an unconventional aesthetic, one that might strike a chord with the audience who are nostalgic for the standard designs of the past. It may not be the best choice for the operation of the regular Elive but it could be a good addition to the E16 edition strengthening the theme and the character of the product. To get a broader audience thee should be a harmonic blend of modern and retro components. However, it’s also a great thing to have a fresh and unique UI/UX design that can drive users through the app!