Welcome to the forum - rules & guidelines

Welcome to the Elive community! :boogie: Here are some important things to know:

  • Stick to the topics, or otherwise create a new thread
  • Use short and well-descriptive titles :work:
  • "Suggestions have more value than complaints" :meditate:
  • Flag off-topic or negative posts, to keep this a positive and friendly place :happybounce:
  • Write your best howto's, we will be happy to read them :happy:
  • Track categories or tags of your interest, ex. Betatest, 64bit, Designs...
  • Include in your question the details needed, like your version of Elive, arch (e.g. 64-bit), live or installed, etc... :studying:
  • Please follow the guidelines to keep the forum a nice place to be :love:

So the users can see the rules