3.7.0 betatesting experiences

Just installed on my Helix2: Only one hiccup: Got a widget saying grub install-error on blocklists but it continued anyway and on boot --the new grub was there. :happy:
Everything configured nicely, wacom screen and stylus working (my touchscreen has a broken connection so cannot comment on that) on ext4 partition of its own (only 12.5 Gb partition)
Sound is good, not too loud and ofcourse again no brightnesscontrol and sudo ifconfig requiring password.

unchecked elive-health and will try finding scanner now.

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are you ok - am worried, may be you got lost in that damn notebook of mine ?

@Rebel450 I see something very wrong and strange in your system:

brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Mai 20 21:19 /dev/sda
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3014025216 Mai 20 21:19 /dev/sda1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Mai 20 21:19 /dev/sda2
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 3 Mai 20 21:19 /dev/sda3

sda1, meant for swap, is not a partition but a file lol, I removed some code on the installer that could have caused this very strange thing but i don't know how it happend

if you are not hurry (in leaving the computer ON) I could try to do an install myself from here on that computer (I assume that no data at all exists on that computer, confirm me that :slight_smile: ), but i will need you to reboot the computer again in live mode and running again eliveremote, you can also select the option to watch what im doing from the terminal

lol this forum thread looks like a chat :rofl2:

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that will work for the next build, im working on re-doing all the sudo structure stuff

you need to have it checked :slight_smile:

= confirmed and agreed.

"I see something very wrong and strange in your system:"
I guess the installer did it already twice

"I assume that no data at all exists on that computer, confirm me that"
= confirmed and agreed.

" but i will need you to reboot the computer again in live mode and running again eliveremote,"

You can do it now :slight_smile:

Tip: when you reply a message in the forum: [hilight] the text with your cursor and press "quote"

@jfbourdeau maybe we need to add extra forum entries ^ in the "FAQ" icon of the forum ? we didn't used it much :thinking:

I choose e22 (again) but e17 limit functions warning comes up (again, was wondering about that earlier)
may be am not on e22 though I clicked it**?**

no you are not, see my comment: 3.7.0 betatesting experiences - #185 by Thanatermesis

@triantares @jfbourdeau what do you think about this "dialog" UX issue? :thinking:, seems to be hard to understand "what you are selecting" when the Enter key is not for select :thinking:

but this type of selector is widely used in elive (nvidia drivers, etc)

Checked it and hey presto: scanner is seen, installed and configured.
Just as one would expect: Good for you.:happy:

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Maybe this is the bug which affected @zbd , this would have caused 3 GB of his ram wasted on nothing :thinking:

let me see if this is fixed (waiting for @Rebel450 to start eliveremote) and if is fixed, try @zbd to install again in that machine you said was very slow


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it is in fact a real usability problem :thinking:, people tend to select using the enter key

reminds me on win stuff ... uaaa

Ready and awaiting the Master

And I don't know how to solve this... since it is how the "dialog" tool (these console widgets) works...

But stills a real problem, it happened to you and can happen to much more people. Just the same amount of users that tried to install nvidia drivers since 14 years of Elive history :neutral_face:

so all these problems are coming may be because I was all the time on e17

are you "in" ?

Debian is using it by default on older installers, too (e.g.PowerPC) -
may be you look in this kind of stuff for a solution (one day ;- )

Seems like the problem is solved with my last change in the installer @Rebel450, I have canceled my install test after verify that worked, you can reboot again and do your own install, should work this time :slight_smile:

@zbd try the same in that "slow machine", boot in live, connect to internet, and run the installer (it will update itself)

next, next, next, next?

Thanatermesis is accelerated

Thanatermesis is accelerated = L O L

am on e22 now -
@triantares ya, ya a faaaast learner = :crazy_face:

ahm - ahre you here, pls ?

To start the installer is different on e22?
(dont see any installer icon?)

better use e16 :slight_smile: , e22 is not tested at all (i mean, not customized), so you can lack a lot of things in the menus too