3.7.0 betatesting experiences

ok, thank you Thanatermesis

its dam cool btw !!! :smiley14: :w00t:

ahm...... dont see any installer icon? e16
where is it ??

these menus are different but you can found all

it is in the elive menu

next, next, next :runningfast:

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am from Mac, keep in mind! = no icons - no computing :slight_smile:
in German they call us:
mousepushing iconclickers (sadly not so funny in english)

it's awesome and mo'fuckin fast gets me exited :wink:

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finally working - fast as hell !!!!
The dam harddisk has some to do right now : " drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" :slight_smile:
seriously, it works now how it should be good job ! (almost finished after less than 20 min)


SADLY first boot:
EXT4-fs (sda2): Cannot change data mode on remount
You are in emergency mode.
Give root password for maintenance
( press Control-D to continue):

= Control-D = loop

ok, the data=writeback should be definitevly removed, i will do that now

@Rebel450 boot in live, mount the partition of your installed elive system, then edit the file etc/fstab that you have on it (maybe "sudo scite", or enter in admin mode from thunar first), and remove the ",data=writeback" part, like:

UUID=6465b1c1-8232-4c28-ae29-0c15c9c0f2f7 / ext4 defaults,commit=60,noatime,nodiratime,data=writeback 0 1


UUID=6465b1c1-8232-4c28-ae29-0c15c9c0f2f7 / ext4 defaults,commit=60,noatime,nodiratime 0 1

then umount and reboot, it should boot fine

neeeeext! :runningfast:

PD: @triantares I finished to implement the new sudo structures, going to test it now :slight_smile:
PD2: we* are doing an amazing job reporting things from this 248-posts-long chat :excited:


Can somebody confirm this is fixed?

Yeah, total frenzy and madness ..... as long as it works, I'm cool. :happy:
Maybe start a new one now ..... 3.7.1 Where art thou?

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yes, i personally don't like to have a flood of text to read (and to answer) lol, but in terms of efficiency, it works well :slight_smile:
the other option could have been to use the chat, but this thread can do the same and including more features (images, scrolling-up-in-history, offline-mode, etc)

finishing the remaining things for it before to build

I think that I will leave teh UEFI implementation for 3.7.2, since that could take more time :thinking: or not? :thinking:


done, is still the same

Ha! I found a friendlier way to ask for nvidia drivers & for E desktop! :happy:

Try it @Rebel450, run from a terminal:


this example allows to not be confused with the Enter with the Spacebar :wink:

so you removed that entry from the fstab, saved the file correctly, and it doesn't works? :thinking:

ya , did as per your advise

@Rebel450 I would say: play with the different E flavours to be familiarized with them while waiting for 3.7.1 which already includes many fixes :slight_smile: :thinking: could be more simple

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but why is it that difficult on my side, the others seems not to have so much issues?
I will give it tomorrow a spin on a more simple build desktop pc, may be its better then...
for now I have to go.
Back online tomorrow around 9:30am (and You?)

Well, you can in fact reinstall again the same way, that data=writeback is removed now from the installer, so i dont see a reason to not work (unless was another thing)

i will continue working until 5 am probably lol


@Rebel450 this way makes it more userfriendly, don't you think? :slight_smile: no spacebar required!



and this is the famous "standard and good filesystem" that the rest of the world uses :mwahaha:
