3.7.0 betatesting experiences

yes they are different "boot structures", uefi is newer, i need to work on the installer to implement it too, you can keep "both eufi + legacy" enabled, this is safer

@yoda @triantares: the elive boot should include manjaro (we expect that), but on this specific case he reinstalled without the manjaro disk so makes sense... he must reinstall :slight_smile: (/me waiting the reported results :smiley: )

Will restall and let you know how it went

Hah, that wasn't clear in this thread. I just saw the entries in Trello where it was said that the disk was removed.
Looks likes @yoda just got bit by confusing the 2 forum posts.:disbelief:

Have you tried the combo "ctrl + alt + middle-click-dragging" in any part of a window? just saying, quite handy option too :slight_smile:

Just play that combo combined with the left-click-dragging too, move, resize, move, resize

This is what i personally use for positioning windows, @yoda

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In the sense of key bindings
;My brightness up and down keys are not recognized using e16keyedit.
I don't mind manually editing .e16/bindings.cfg but have no idea how I can enter my 2 keys.
"showkeys -k" gives 225 (up) and 224 (down).

Use the same configuration provided by Elive, from /etc/skel/.e16/bindings.cfg (or run elive-skel upgrade .e16 out of e16 to restore e16 new conf), by not changing it should work (if you added the sudo conf as said before)

Yes I use them a lot...
I am just used / lazy pessing a key on the numeric keypad + 1 (lower left ) or 7 (uper left) or 9 or 3 to do it fast LOL

Both files are identicall except that keycode 225 is not recognized as XF86MonBrightnessUp.
Maybe use " setkeycodes" ?

sounds like a good future feature to have by default :slight_smile: which is exactly the key combo for those and what exactly does? i will note them

XF86MonBrightnessUp its a macro that should be detected by default, ignore the keycode :slight_smile: , and you said it worked on live, right? :thinking:

Now in relaxe mode, with my Dell Laptop on me watching TV with Wife oops running 3.7.0
I realy like it
Getting familiar with e16 gadgets, settings, Epplets, and so on

yoda happy :rainbowyay:

Rember these? :laughing:

If I do showkeys -s I get "0xe0 0x54 0xe0"for 225 (up) and "0xe0 0x4c 0xe0 0xcc"for 224 (down)

kupfer key = 0xe0 0x0b 0xe0 0x8b for 120
search key (next to up on picture)= 0x9c for 217 (initiates gnome-search-tool, but isn't installed)

Yes, I'll have alook at the bindings there.

so it should work on installed too, same way, you just need the sudo configuration in the sudoers file without password

Now I'm lost .... who do I enable there?
I mean /usr/bin/brightnessctl is allready set to NOPASSWD and "sudo brightnessctl s 10%-" works fine as long as I enter the passwd, just not the button on te installed version.
The keybindings in livemode are identical so that's not the issue.
I've even added my USER to the input group as well .... still no f*cking key response. :face_vomiting:

Is there a way to do it live without rebooting ?
Or I need to boot with a USB stick and use GParted ?

My nead :
i want to create a partition (EXT4) on my laptop, so Dropbox can work, I think it will, when I tried to install the 1st time, the installer ask me for a different location. I don't think that if the laptop is btrfs is a problem as long as I tell Dropbox to use another partition.


You could. I can mount and subsequently read my other ext4 partitions from Elive.
If you want to you can put it in /etc/fstab so it gets mounted at boot.

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so if you run "sudo brightnessctl" works without asking for password? if so, then it should directly work on e16 with the default configuration

No, it still requires password. :disbelief:
Ther's got to be a catch somewhere. :thinking:

so you have it wrongly configured in your sudo :slight_smile: , remember to reload your daemon (better reboot, user session needs to be reloaded too)

you can use gparted in your installed system, if you have space in your disk create an ext4 partition to use for this

or even better, you can create a file and format it to ext4, then mount it, and you will have your extcrappy filesystem mounted to use with dropbox from that location lol (not sure but it should work), avoiding the need of change / create partitions

How: check my reiser4 tests, the commands used shows exactly that

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