E16 light theme

I never used it
We're all the same, fastest or easiest it is, is the path we take

I'll play later today with Asana to see how easy it is to learn, I mean the learning curve required to just be able to simply throw some ideas, To Dos in the tool... And talk about it...

All tools have their stenghts ,Trello is " simple".

Will get back to you after playing with it....

@Thanatermesis suggested because he knows it and use it... But is it more simpler for us to use Asana ? May be... Don't know, will play with it

Until then, just go into :

And see how easy it is...

someone needs to create a project (@Thanatermesis already had several of them,
and so I guess that it's more easy for him to oversee the whole at a glance)
It would be good, if he would do it finally, he already explained somewhere in the forum, how it will/should be, but can't find it quick now.

Which one LOL

Was hopping it'll be simple
Asana looks cool, we don't have to wait for THan to initial the Asana thing

but we need to choose the right " object" ? Can we change Asana Groupe TYPE along the way, NO idea....

Must have a closer look onto it by myself...

well, git requires a bit of practice, but i can tell you is really good after you know a bit about it, the book "git pro" is really good which is the one i started, but i suggest you to read it fast to get fast the info

btw, "git mv" and "git rm -r" is the commands that you probably want

yes but for create a package from it its required to come from a git repo source, which also features autopackaging in newer versions (feature not actually running)

.ethemes are just zipped sources, is better in every reason to have everything opened in folders and files (which are also used this way by e16)

nope, that's a "config" feature which i can add in the default confs, these settings are keeped when you activate after the "remember" options for them

looks good, opened contents (files and folders) :slight_smile:

i will make a look to all that i come back to house, i personally like really the dark theme, it has a very nice and different touch, which is maybe a good option to keep to distinguish the e16 from other versions of enlightenment ?

that's not hard, bigger you mean ?

yes but only for what is possible :slight_smile: and i dont think we should invest too much effort on this (and do it for the future E to use), but yes, we should improve it in what is possible

btw we feature wikis in the forum too :slight_smile: howto's acts like that (or any post if you set it)

yes a collaborative editor is somewhat needed, actually like i said we can do some of these things in the forum, we can use also the future Asana which i still need to set up which i think that can do the job better, the website you mean is actually down (paying service) but there's other "etherpad" services / pages

hum, these suggestions are in a document, not practical to edit /change, we should do it from the asana in the future, when i have it ready you can move these suggestions to it and then let's fix (do) them :slight_smile:

the good thing is that the default volumes set has been reduced a lot
these sounds gives a "unique / different experience", which by being e16 is a nice special touch, by other is true that we would need an easy option to switch them off, any suggestion of how we can do that without adding another "popup question" ?

don't worry for that, there's a better alternative which is a much better and practical solution and with many more possibilities :wink: i used both and it is really good, just let me return to house to fully focus on this and we will start using it :slight_smile:

hum, that screenshot reffers to the "startup sound" but not for "theme sounds" (they are 2 different things)


and I calculate to have it ready in less than 1 week, returning to house soon

agree too

BTW: Task manager and organizer collaborative tool (ASANA)

Yeah found that and getting there. The gitlab tuto was very good, too.

Well especially use the same font as the cairo dock i.e as you proposed: DejaVuSans.

Getting space between the icon and the text, I can only get done by adding 2 spaces before each entry in the appl. menu(.e16/menus/menus_apps/*.menu) but that gets lost on menu regeneration.:thinking:
In the DarkOne theme that's not a real problem because there the text is "_JUSTIFIED 1023" to the right.
That, though is not in coherence with the Cairo-dock, which has left placement.

Or use github templates?
It at least is not that different from Trello. Asana I don't know.
Me I just want to avoid long threads about yes or no certain changes etc. They only obfuscate the original intention IMHO.

I know ..... It's in Enlightenment - settings.

I thought you would. :joy:


If it's possible to "just" add a link in Enlightenment prefs (a short link) to silence all the system (Elive, theme, off course not the normal sound for music, videos...).
Cause for now it's having to go Enlightenment/settings/Sounds + ~/Theme + ~/Session..... + using the command line + checking startup programs...
But adding a check in the first choices (with light/dark desktop theme) should be in fine simpler (user wise)...


asana is very simple too, it has much "logic" and more options, but is a more practical tool (handy, faster, etc) which is a pretty important point, and it also has more features which we may need

btw i think that also features a "table" mode (pushing cards) like trello

you* can already create an account and use it yourself for your own tasks / projects, and of course to play / learn it and see how it works

I install it and is nice, I like the "pumping" icons burning when open an application and also the 3 bar CPU-RAM status thanks!!!

And I tried to install those too, but I can't see it, even with a complete e16 regeneration menu and a log out + log in.... why?

You need to be root for that. Easier is to unpack it io your home. Specifically:
and then activate it througg chosing it from the enlightenment menu.

And the name should appear as ?? in Themes ?

As for Cairo, I need to cgo into cairo also choose / active what I downloaded where you said ? It will be under name ?? ?

I unpacked it from a sudo thunar window, so, I think is with root permissions, but nothing appears at Enlightement themes menu.... I'll try directly from root

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samething for me

No just do it in your user space. Is better.

@yoda you do have to import the theme first. That's underneath the theme choice in cairo configuration. After that it'll show up.
The E16 theme should show up as the folder name i.e Elive-GTK+

I logged out my user, logged in as root and I can see and apply the Elive-GTK theme, but if I logged out as root and logged in as my current user I can't see the theme....

OK I got it for Elive GTK ( in my home folder)... Working tks !

Now trying with Cairo Dock again...


Were you successful for the customized Cairo Dock ?

I am ok for e16 theme but not Cairo dock yet

I put in into my home ofilder in the .e16 theme folder instead and you don't need to be root

I have this now

Is this the one ?