How to update your Elive, the correct way

Here you have it:

I agree, is a good moment to make the train goes faster

Take a look, we should use this website to show 3.0 and future releases:

And even we can send them an ISO of 3.0 with a wallpaper that says that 4.0 in 64 and 32 bits is coming soon?

I agree completely, in website we read a lot of amazing features, but we doesn't know them until we tested OS, so we should shows public them in a long term continuous travel i.e: with a weekly small animated gif showing one of those features in tweeter, facebook, linkedin with # that would be catch-people like #buster better than #debian10 (or both together)

I still agree, and only showing all trics that Elive has inside (that are almost unknown for us, what is a problem, because a lot of @Thanatermesis work is not known even by us, so time and effort "spent" for nothing, that is a pity) we can start a nice communication campaign.

Yes, I think that @triantares mains also "continuous improvements", not an opposite and different way, I think that team doesn't maybe never start because they (we) doesn't know what we can do (or better we can't do) to make publicity of your work, is so I proposed in the dedicated thread that you @Thanatermesis gives the "tempo" to a single team coordinator (by "tempo" I mean what we can / cannot write and when made the announcements as your works progress) I think if people doesn't still reacts is because we doesn't make a communication mistake, or write wrongs informations, that will not be the case with someone (and only one people) that makes the bridge between you and ours.

Your plan is good (if there are 300 people a day who visit the website is very good) but I'll add also as much as social networks we (the team) can manage + the website.

Is so I proposed those actions there:

Yes, IMHO this plan list is very well done, and very well worked, I think there will be a private thread to develop / add features if necessary and another private thread (or a private sub-forum with several threads) where this team that will be created from now will start to work into different subjects like skills available, task assign, dates to publish (i.e. all Wednesday night and all Friday night GMT) in order that anyone will organise his time tho be ready all weeks (or almost) to have their weekly task finished for this moment, etc..

Is one of the first things to know / define, and we doesn't stop to think "Elive will not be the next XXX", because, why not? It has much better features and stability than much other Linux distros, so we'll never will be bigger if we don't think bigger and now is a moment as good as another, so why not now?

Together we can do it, and you're not alone, the only thing we need is to coordinate ourselves

Yes, and with this big list we can show everywhere at social networks a feature or two by week (with an animated gif capturing screen)

Also we should try to make a PDF users book that describes and explain all unknown features Elive has inside

This is the spirit, let's start now!!!

As I wrote in the thread of Elive funds, other distros put themselves some links into desktop pointing to their FAQ / help / manual / forums as XChat does in Elive 3.0, so yes, we should talk about keyra to shows that she is here to help users in a nostalgic and beautiful IRC channel