Which web browser do you prefer in Elive?

so seems like firefox quantum is much better? i wonder when will be included in debian... as we can probably switch to it by default

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they will probably never do so,
because of so called "proprietary content" or something like this...

  • it has to do with the open source idea

And so I installed by myself, it works well. :w00t: :nod:

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I just found this on google, made by an old user (actually unactive I think) of Elive


Sweet! Looks good in my Firefox 69 Quantum!

We should surely use one of those themes in the FF that is installed by Elive.


The today's browser's bloat is just crazy... it breaks entirely the Elive goodnesses for the new versions!

In other words: how much RAM it takes you to use a web browser today's ?

I'm just running my laptop with Elive 3.0, 11 tabs opened in chrome, and only consumes 650 MB of RAM, almost a half of one GB :expressionless:

It is madness ........ they are so bloated and extensive that they are almost an OS in themselves. :frowning_face: and even then they are too heavy.
I don't have ChromeOs but how much RAM does that use with the browser in full use?

Maybe a different/lighter browser for default should be considered .... and other browsers like FF, chromium and Opera "at your own risk".

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they doesn't exist! :frowning:

only old versions like in topaz

Well FF was forked because Netscape Navigator got too heavy/bloated ..... who knows.

Maybe @Rebel450 can tell us what FF in OsX uses as RAM. That has "webkit" as renderer.

Well, I always try them, in this way:

run htop, and run each browser with 1 search first, close all of them, then:

  • see how much ram is used in htop without them loaded
  • open browser-1, with one tab, see how much the RAM is increased
  • open browser-1, with 10 tabs opened, see how much ram is used
  • loop and compare with other browsers

this was an old result: ELIVE Linux - Another very interesting research, this is a... | Facebook

Vivaldi it works well

Its my browser of choice at the moment. Appears to me faster than most.

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Well, I could - but it's not comparable.
I use Quantum on Mint Ci ( imo more comparable)
it uses by an average usage around 380 MB with swap enabled....
( To remind you - applications behavior changes with virtual memory on/off :wink: )

Ahm..... which one now :thinking: ...

a warm welcome to our community :+1::grin: :omgomgomg:

Sorry. Vivaldi


I never tried it, what would you consider the Pros / advantages in it's features ?
For now I am using Brave.

As a good solution for these ram-eating-monsters I have recently installed the addon "OneTab", and im very happy with it

basically puts all your tabs in a created page as a links list, so you can access to them -when- you need, and you can work from the only needed opened ones each time, you can trigger in any moment a "park my tabs" thing

ram-eat :runaway:


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Lately I've found that FF does not keep all the tabs "alive". Once I return to a tab, I notice it reloads it ...... albeit FF still needs a good 400+ Mb of RAM...depending on the site visited.

Seriously? the last time i tried firrefox it was slower and/or more memory consuming than chrome :thinking:

maybe i didn't waited enough to have these tabs automatically freed

but if firefox is a (much?) better option that chrome, well... :thinking:

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Something @yoda should give a spin !!!!